Leadership Courses
The courses in this section are specifically designed for management and staff based on their roles and responsibilities in any High Reliability Organization and will aid in leading and managing the organization.
Coaching to Enhance Performance® is a proactive observation and coaching process designed to develop an engaged thinking workforce through a collaborative learning environment. The importance of observation and coaching processes cannot be overstated. In HRT’s experience, there have been many incidents prevented and lessons learned that came from an effective observation and coaching session.
What is a Critical Step? A Critical Step is a human action that will trigger immediate, irreversible, and intolerable harm to an asset, if that action or a preceding action is performed improperly. Critical Steps happen every day at work and at home. Work does not happen otherwise.
Our Precision Execution model, provides a balanced approach that recognizes failure paths & identifies who must do what, when failure occurs, and creates clarity about what must absolutely go right.
The HOP Event Reporting and Analysis (HERA) course has been designed to help improve all investigation activities using the principles and concepts of Human and Organizational Performance commonly referred to as H&OP or simply, HOP.
Safety leadership is the capacity to mobilize people around safety challenges, and influence behavior so that it becomes safer. Safety leadership is not positional (i.e., doesn’t come with a title). This course is designed to enhance your knowledge of safety and leadership.