HOP Event Reporting and Analysis
The HOP Event Reporting and Analysis (HERA) course has been designed to help improve all investigation activities using the principles and concepts of Human and Organizational Performance commonly referred to as H&OP or simply, HOP.
Starts at: $197 Per Seat
Discounts available based on volume
HOP Event Reporting and Analysis
The HOP Event Reporting and Analysis (HERA) course has been designed to help improve all investigation activities using the principles and concepts of Human and Organizational Performance commonly referred to as H&OP or simply, HOP. The purpose of the HERA Process course is to provide the student with an overview of basic investigative tools and techniques to better assist them in their quest to piece together the actions and associated drivers that led to an undesirable event. This course is focused on only one event investigation process, other event investigation analytic tools such as barrier analysis, change analysis, failure modes and effects will not be covered in this course.
- Module One - Introduction to HOP Event Reporting & Analysis (HERA) Process
- Module Two - HERA Data Collection
- Module Three - Quick HOP Event Initial Response
- Module Four - Active & Latent Pathways to Harm
- Module Five - Full HERA Investigation
- Module Six - Summary & Understanding
- Refresher

HOP Event Reporting And Analysis Objectives
Note: Optional enhanced objectives can be customized to any desired focus area or audience for our training courses.
Meet our Author
Professional Experience
2016-Present: HOPE Consulting LLC, Business Partner / Chief Operations Officer
2020-Present: High Reliability Training LLC, Business Partner / Chief Operations Officer
Ron is an author and experienced practitioner in Human & Organizational Performance (HOP) and High Reliability Organization (HRO) that provides support for a variety of high-risk industries that includes: analysis of operational data to help front-line workers, line managers, and leaders of high-risk operations protect their assets using proven risk management methods, and error-prevention and mitigation strategies. Ron also develops and delivers:
- Co-authored Critical Steps: Managing What Must Go Right in High-Risk Operations
- Customized HOP and HRO workshops, webinars, and classroom training
- Video-based HOP and HRO training
- Observation and feedback training and mentoring
- Leadership development, training and mentoring
- Asset protection and risk management strategies
- Accident / Incident investigation training and mentoring
- Keynote speeches